This Shaker reproduces both circular and tapping motion, Produces Circular (280-320 RPM approx) and tapping (140-160 RPM approx) motion with a uniform mechanical action which ensures accurate and dependable test results. This shaker is heavy in construction and no special foundation is required. The running parts operate in oil. A 1/4 H.P. electric motor runs the machine, the machine can accommodate six test sieves + set of Lid-pan but is supplied without sieves.

• DIGITAL Time switch 0-99 minutes for above
• MECHANICAL Time switch 0-60 minutes for above

For Cement Flooring Tiles
Capacity 200 kg. for cement concrete flooring tiles. The specifications are similar to the above machine, but for the bearing rollers of 25 mm dia and spans of 150, 200 and 250 mm. The load is applied at the rate of 200 kg/min/meter. Without lead shots.