

We offer a wide rage of Centrifuges for varying application in Clinical and Pathological Labs, Blood Banks, Research and Developments, Pharmaceutical and Clinical Industry etc. Centrifuge for Clinical, Pathological Labs and Blood Banks. Medico Centrifuges : With Swing Out Rotor heads of 15 ml tube capacity and 5 step speed regulator. Clininical Centrifuges : With Fixed Angle Rotor head of 15 ml tube capacity and 5 step speed regulator. Pathological Centrifuges : With Fixed Angle Rotor heads of 5 ml RIA tube capacity, stepless speed rugulator and 0-60 minutes pre-set timer.

Also available :
• Research Centrifuges
• Multi Purpose Refrigerated Centrifuges
• Programmable Centrifuges
• Oil Testing Centrifuges
• Blood Bank Refrigerated Centrifuges etc.